Huwebes, Oktubre 27, 2011

Mental Arithmetic Techniques- Instant Multiplication

photo credit: dylancantwell Mental arithmetic is a set of mathematical techniques or strategies that allow a person to perform different math problems mentally- without the use of a calculator or pen and paper. When we talk about mental arithmetic lessons, we do not only talk about mental calculations, it’s also about doing these in a fraction of the time. Mental arithmetic is about speed and accuracy. The most common problem that parents get when enrolling their kids in a

Mental Arithmetic

Mental Math- Let Your Kids Enjoy Math

photo credit: Svadilfari There are many mental math lessons out there right now that promise to help your kids in their math subjects. Aside from teaching your kids some mental math tricks, you should definitely find a program that would help your kids to actually enjoy math. When we talk about mental math, this would usually entail some rigorous studying and understanding for your child. These lessons would be made so much easier if you could teach them to genuinely enjoy

Mental Math

Mental Math Games to Play With Your Kids

photo credit: anjanettew Mental math, at first, won’t be too interesting for your kids. They would automatically assume that it’s all work and no play for them. Sometimes, kids think of mental math as something so boring and so inappropriate for their age, they would either not take the lessons seriously or they will just give up on it entirely. Now, the first thing that you have to do to avoid this scenario, is to make sure that you find the best mental math lessons or tutor

Mental Math

Mental Arithmetic- Where to Start?

photo credit: Yishun JC Photos Although the concepts of mental arithmetic have been around for many years now, it is only recently that they have been creating quite a buzz in the educational community and for parents around the world. Many of us were taught the concepts of math, the usual ways to solve a math problem and basically, to accept that math is hard. Mental arithmetic educators say otherwise. Math is only hard if we want it to be hard. Mental arithmetic clearly shows

Mental Arithmetic

Math & Mental Arithmetic Tricks

photo credit: quinn.anya Every day, we use math in our lives. Whether it’s counting change or inventory at work, mathematics play a big part in our lives. That is why we need to have a few mental arithmetic tricks up on our sleeves. Now, I’m sure that some of you would protest and tell me that that’s what calculators are for. They were made to spare us from complicated equations and formulas. And trust me; I know what you’re saying. I’ve never really liked math but because

Mental Arithmetic

Mental Arithmetic Techniques- Instant Multiplication

photo credit: dylancantwell Mental arithmetic is a set of mathematical techniques or strategies that allow a person to perform different math problems mentally- without the use of a calculator or pen and paper. When we talk about mental arithmetic lessons, we do not only talk about mental calculations, it’s also about doing these in a fraction of the time. Mental arithmetic is about speed and accuracy. The most common problem that parents get when enrolling their kids in a

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Mental Arithmetic Tricks for Kids

photo credit: comedy_nose Mathematics has been regarded by many as a difficult subject. It’s the least subject that kids look forward to in school (except for some students) and has been causing bad grades for them. Math is hard to understand- even adults can agree to that. The Young Mind But you see, the human brain is at its peak during the early formative years of a child. This would be from 0 to 8 years old. During these years, the brain develops and grows the most, thus,

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Learning Math Through Accelerated Learning

photo credit: woodleywonderworks One of the most innovative learning styles or techniques that have been discovered in recent years is accelerated learning. This is a style wherein you apply certain techniques that would make studying or learning new things easier and faster. Accelerated learning can easily be considered as a unique system of effective learning. But this system can easily be modified to fit your child’s need to learn math. Yes, learning math through accelerated

Learning Math Through Accelerated Learning

How to Learn Accelerated Learning for Kids

photo credit: joaquinuy Parents are always curious how to learn accelerated learning for kids. This is really a big opportunity for them and they have to make sure that they know everything they need to know about accelerated learning for kids. Even though the concepts behind accelerated learning for kids is fairly simple, it is still very important to know the ABCs or 123s of accelerated learning for kids. The first step into finding out how to learn accelerated learning for kids

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Three Accelerated Learning Techniques for Kids

photo credit: GoodNCrazy The problem with choosing accelerated learning techniques for kids is the fortunate fact that there is a lot of it. Accelerated learning techniques for kids are actually also applicable for adults too. This is one of the beauties of this learning style- it knows no age, sex or background. But for the purpose of this article, I have listed down three of the best accelerated learning techniques for kids that you can try with your little ones. Flash Cards

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